Welcome to DSP Technology (HK) Limited DSP Technology stands for High Tech Electronics Design! If you are looking for a partner who shall fullfil all your needs for high tech product development, starting from Circuit Design, PCB Layout, Micro Controller / DSP / ARM Software as well as Mechanical Design, please be invited to contact us. We believe we can do! Futhermore we are close to the market of the future - China! Even we are keeping an office in Hong Kong, but our main operation is on the main land. Here we have got three state of the art electonics and mechanical manufacturing facilities (EMS Services included) and all the other advantages of China. DSP Technology currently bases it's design on different Micro Controllers, depends on the application: ARM9 processors like the Samsung chip S3C2440 for Video applications up to 7 inch TFT LCD ARM7 processors like the NXP chip LPC79525 for general control applications with 3.5 inch TFT LCDs ARM Cortex-M0 processors like the NXP chip LPC1114 for Security products with small TFT LCDs and GSM applications TI's TMS320 DSPs (e.g TMS320F2802) for high speed control applications like 3-Phase Thyristor Rectifiers Atmel's AVRs like the ATmega168 for medium security applications like Voice Dialers Microchip's PIC series, e.g. the PIC10F202 for low cost security products like PIRs and LED lighting control Samsung's SAM8 controllers like the S3F9494 for small SMPS applications Samsung's SAM4 controllers like the S3P72N5 for Watch and Pocket Calculator applications (if Chip On Board - COB is required) Silabab's 8051 high speed derivates (e.g. C8051F326) for some USB, Security and Wireless Microphone products DSP TECH竭诚为您服务,欢迎新老客户前来洽谈。联系人:庞然,联系电话:86-755-82594529,移动电话:13923836599。 | |
经营模式 | 生产加工 |
主营产品 | 安卓高清多媒体播放器; 安卓平台播放器; 3.5寸硬盘播放器; 移动数码产品; 2.5寸硬盘播放器; OEM; ODM; 电信/联通机顶盒; OTT; IPTV; |
公司名 | DSP TECH |
主营行业 | 电子电器生产线; 硬盘播放器; |
是否提供加工定制 | 生产加工 |
注册资本 | 人民币500.00万 |
公司成立时间 | 2004 年 |
公司注册地 | 广东/深圳市南山区 |
企业类型 | 中外合作经营企业 |
法人 | 候小姐 |
工商注册号 | 4456786665563269034455 |
加式方式 | OEM加工;ODM加工; |
生产工艺 | 数码快速原型;其他电子加工工艺;数码金属冲压;数码组装;数码注塑/注射;数码表面处理; |
管理体系 | ISO 14001 ISO 9001 |
员工人数 | 301 - 500 人 |
研发部门人数 | 51 - 60 人 |
厂房面积 | 3000.00 平方米 |
年销售额 | 全国;台湾;香港; |
主要客户 | 电脑城,IT卖场,电商网络销售平台,3C卖场,国内品牌客户 |
月产量 | 200000.00台 |
年产量 | 人民币 1 亿元/年以上 |
年出口额 | 人民币 1 亿元以上 |
自有品牌 | DSP |
质量控制 | 内部 |
sell123 URL | http://china.sell123.org/company_767859.htm |