石狮市顺兴机械有限公司(shunxingmachie co.,ltd)是一家以生产汽车变速箱齿轮及转向助力泵的现代化企业。公司是泉州汽车工程机械配件行业协会的成员单位。在二十年的发展历程中,公司守合同、重信誉、严把质量关,在汽车工程机械配件行业内颇受好评。 公司配备滚、插、剃、珩、拉、铣、车、钻、刨等一系列先进的生产加工设备,数控化程度高,并拥有多名中高级技术人员,具备了强有力的开发体系。公司产品主要为主机厂配套,部分产品远销东南亚地区,可承接来图、来样订做。现已形成年产各种高精度齿轮数十万件的生产能力。 “高起点、高标准、严要求”是我们的一贯宗旨。公司将以一流的产品、一流的服务,与您密切互动,共创美好未来。 Shishi Shunxing Machine Co.,Ltd,is a modern enterprise who has been dedicated into the productiong of gears of automotive transmission and automotive transmission pumps for about 20 years.And It is also a member of QuanZhou(China)automotive machine parts industry Association.In these many years,the company always commits to its contracts,keeps its quality,by which,the company enjoys a high credit in the indutry. In addtion to a series of developed and precise producing and processing manchines,we have also many middle and high leveled technicials join us,and we have established a strong research and producing system,for now,Our product are mainly support for OEMs,some of them even being sold in southern and eastern Asia districts.And we could offer both OEM&ODM services according to customers' varying demands,Yearly,we are producing hundreds of thouthand pcs high precisiong gers. 'High standing,high standards,strict principles'are always our motto.basing on our ace products and ace services,we are glad to run into a good cooperationg with new and old customers,to creat a more brightful future together.石狮市顺兴机械有限责任公司竭诚为您服务,欢迎新老客户前来洽谈。联系人:高荣燚,联系电话:86-0595-88708339,移动电话:13665981170。企业大门实景(3张)办公场所展示(3张)产品及样品实拍(2张)生产厂房及设备(7张)其他证书类照片(1张) | |
经营模式 | 生产加工 |
主营产品 | 汽车变速箱齿轮; 齿轮; 油泵齿轮; 蜗杆; 蜗轮; 同步轮; 链轮; 锥齿轮; 高压油管总成; 高精度齿轮及轴; |
公司名 | 石狮市顺兴机械有限责任公司 |
主营行业 | 齿轮; 蜗杆; 变速器齿轮及轴; 齿轮箱; 链轮; 蜗轮; |
是否提供加工定制 | 生产加工 |
注册资本 | 人民币160.00万 |
公司成立时间 | 2004 年 |
公司注册地 | 福建/泉州 |
企业类型 | 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) |
法人 | 高积藤 |
sell123 URL | http://china.sell123.org/company_744701.htm |