温县绿洋净水材料厂地处河南郑州、洛阳等城市中心,陇海铁路,高速公路四通八达,交通十分便利,发货快,费用低。本厂专业开发、生产活性炭、果壳活性炭,椰壳活性炭,煤质颗粒活性炭,木质粉状活性炭,煤质粉状活性炭,煤质柱状活性炭,净水材料,净水滤料,净水絮凝剂。企业本着务实、发展、开拓进取的发展宗旨,在相关权威部门及科研院校的指导下,通过我们的不懈努力和共同奋斗,历经数年来的发展,由单一的净水材料“活性炭”发展为现有的高效、节能、耐用的二十余种产品,联合分厂三个。我们的产品广泛应用于城市给排水、化工、油田、冶金、热电、造纸、制药、污水处理等领域,倍受广大给水和排水行业用户的青睐! Wen County Lv Yang Water Purification Plant is located in the center of Luoyang、Zhengzhou city ,Henan Province. The Longhai Railway, highway extends in all directions, the traffic is very convenient, fast delivery and low cost. Our plant is specialized in the development and production of activated carbon, nut shell activated carbon, coconut shell activated carbon, coal activated carbon particles, powder wood activated carbon, coal powder activated carbon, coal column activated carbon, water purification materials, purification lu: liao, water purification flocculation agent. We are in the purpose of pragmatic, development and pioneering spirit, in the related authorities and under the guidance of scientific research colleges and universities, also through our unremitting efforts and joint struggle, we have developed from a single water purification materials— "activated carbon" to the existing high efficiency, energy saving, long durability of 20 kinds of products, also owned three joint factories. Our products are widely used in urban water supply and drainage, chemical, oil, metallurgical, thermoelectric, paper making, pharmacy, sewage treatment, and other fields, and have attracted large numbers of water supply and drainage industry users favor!温县绿洋净水材料厂竭诚为您服务,欢迎新老客户前来洽谈。联系人:白璐燕,联系电话:086-0371-64589981,移动电话:15837197956。 | |
经营模式 | 生产加工 |
主营产品 | 活性炭; 椰壳活性炭; 果壳活性炭; 粉状活性炭; 柱状活性炭; 球状活性炭; 无烟煤滤料; 滤料及填料; |
公司名 | 温县绿洋净水材料厂 |
主营行业 | 滤料; 缓蚀剂; 杀菌灭藻剂; 填料; 净水絮凝剂; 阻垢剂; |
是否提供加工定制 | 生产加工 |
注册资本 | 人民币0.00万 |
公司成立时间 | 2007 年 |
公司注册地 | 河南/焦作 |
企业类型 | 私营独资企业 |
法人 | 伍小波 |
员工人数 | 11 - 50 人 |
研发部门人数 | 51 - 60 人 |
厂房面积 | 800.00 平方米 |
年销售额 | 全国;港澳台地区; |
主要客户 | 环保设备厂、造纸厂、油田 |
月产量 | 10000.00吨 (英) |
年产量 | 人民币 501 万元/年 - 700 万元/年 |
年出口额 | 人民币 301 万元 - 500 万元 |
自有品牌 | 绿洋 |
质量控制 | 内部 |
企业网站 | http://www.hqjscl.com/ |
sell123 URL | http://china.sell123.org/company_661796.htm |