潮安县庵埠信辉纸塑商行是一家包装的企业,是经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。主营BOPP光膜、热封膜、消光膜、镀铝膜,公司位于中国广东潮安县潮安县庵埠镇潮汕公路亭厦路段。潮安县庵埠信辉纸塑商行本着“客户第一,诚信至上”的原则,与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系,是一线跟BOPP生产厂家直接定货,库存大于1000吨,不是那些跟批发商调货再来卖,所以我们价格更便宜,主要销售印刷厂家,各零售商。热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观本商行、考察、洽谈业务。联系电话:13827333663,18823511115 Chao'an Xinhui paper and plastic trading firm locates in Anbu Town of Chaozhou City, Which is well known as "The first town for packing in China”. The company has been doing business in film materials which is needed in the printing industry since 1992.The company began to wholesale and retail raw materials for printed package in 1998.And it has become a very large wholesaler in Chao'an County and established long-term and good business relationship with the manufacturers of BOPP. We are the first-hand customer of all the film factories.Xinhui paper and plastic trading firm is in Chao'an County of Guangdong Province and covers an area of 4000 square meters. We also have sufficient stock of materials, which can meet requirements of all kinds of customers. We will offer you the best and reasonable price of the market. Welcome to talk and purchase from us!潮安县庵埠镇信辉纸塑商行竭诚为您服务,欢迎新老客户前来洽谈。联系人:陈家辉,联系电话:086-0768-6629799,移动电话:13827333663。 | |
经营模式 | 经销批发 |
主营产品 | BOPP光膜; BOPP热封膜; BOPP消光膜; BOPP镀铝膜; 珠光膜; |
公司名 | 潮安县庵埠镇信辉纸塑商行 |
主营行业 | 纸类包装制品; 其他食品包装; 功能薄膜; |
是否提供加工定制 | 经销批发 |
注册资本 | 人民币0.00万 |
公司成立时间 | 2008 年 |
公司注册地 | 广东/潮州 |
企业类型 | 个体经营 |
法人 | 薛淑娟 |
工商注册号 | 445121600060856 |
员工人数 | 11 - 50 人 |
年销售额 | 全国; |
主要客户 | 印刷厂,本地各零售商 |
年产量 | 人民币 5001 万元/年 - 1 亿元/年 |
企业网站 | http://www.cn-bopp.com |
sell123 URL | http://china.sell123.org/company_637797.htm |