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本公司经营儿童外贸袜 帽为主,公司主要批发经营供应:童袜、连裤袜.PP裤、九分裤、童帽、儿童口罩、围嘴、反穿衣、童装、成人棉袜(男女款)、薄棉袜等产品.欢迎全国各地的新创业军嫂及采购商采购!我公司坚持“以人为本”的服务原则,始终贯彻“质量就是生命,信誉就是保证”的经营理念,努力做到“质好价平,薄利多销、争取更多的客户”的经营策略,再加上本公司的产品规格齐全,款式新颖,选材精良,严格的工艺处理,耐心 热情的服务;深受新老客户的喜爱和信赖,才得以迅速壮大发展。目前儿童系列及成人系列棉袜地板袜已广泛的销往美国、日本、韩国、新加坡等国家地区。本公司的员工将更加不懈努力,为新老朋友提供更为优质周到的服务。
This company is comes off sentry duty the model which rectify malpractice in various trades start an undertaking, on the other hand on the one hand starts an undertaking must take care of the child; The company mainly wholesales the management supply: Tong Wa, company pantyhose .PP trousers, nine point trousers, Tong Mao, child mouthpiece, bib, counter-puting on clothes, children's clothing, adult cotton socks (male and female funds), products and so on thin cotton socks. Welcome the land the new undertaking rectify malpractice in various trades and the purchasing agent purchases! Our company insisted “humanist” the service principle, implements “the quality is throughout the life, the prestige is guaranteed” the management idea, achieves “the nature good price to be even diligently, the meager profit but high turnover, strives for more customers” the management strategy, in addition this company's product specification is complete, up-to-date styling, superior materials, strict craft processing, patience warm service; The depth the new old customer's affection and the faith, only then can expand rapidly the development. At present the child series and the adult series cotton socks floor sock widespread has sold to national areas and so on US, Japan, South Korea, Singapore. This company's staffs even more unremitting efforts, will provide a higher quality thorough service for the new-old friends.杨菲菲竭诚为您服务,欢迎新老客户前来洽谈。联系人:杨菲菲,联系电话:86-021-63457117-803,移动电话:13601780880。
主营产品 连裤袜; 童袜; 童帽; 九分裤; 毛巾袜; 反穿衣; 地板袜; 袜套; 羊毛袜; 中通袜; 家居鞋; PP裤; 成人袜; 手套; 花边袜;
主营行业 儿童短袜; 童帽; 儿童连裤袜; 其他未分类; 童装\婴幼儿服装; 成人袜;
公司成立时间2008 年
公司注册地中国 上海市
工商注册号杨菲菲 个体经营
员工人数11 - 50 人
主要客户零售实体店 网上批发零售店铺 实体批发客户
年产量人民币 201 万元/年 - 300 万元/年
年出口额人民币 51 万元 - 100 万元
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