本公司是一家集各类不锈钢销售;配套工程设计、制作、安装于一体的实体企业。十多年来,公司凭借其优质、低价的产品及优质的服务,在南京装饰配套行业中树立了良好的声誉。 Our company has a variety of stainless steel sales with architecture supporting engineering designs, production and installation of an integrated business entity. For over 10 years, the company with its high quality, low cost products and good quality service, supporting the decoration industry in Nanjing. Our company has also established a very good reputation. 公司销售的材料有:各种规格不锈钢管、不锈钢板、不锈钢拉手、地弹簧及各类不锈钢装饰配件等。 Sales of materials include all kinds of stainless steel pipes, plates, door handles, door stops and various decorative accessories. 工程制作安装配套项目有:小区、厂区的围墙栏杆、护栏、雨蓬、车棚、车库走道雨棚、雕塑、岗亭、旗杆、楼梯扶手、灯箱、广告牌、宣传栏、门套、电梯门套、防盗窗、装饰线条、灯箱等。此外,我公司为电子企业量身定做各种无尘车间的流水生产线的配套工作台、工作桌、椅,衣柜、置物架、鞋柜、员工宿舍高低床等。 Engineering fabrication and installation package, include residential, factory wall railings, fences, gate awnings, sheds, bicycle garage with canopy walkways, sculptures, sentry boxes, stainless steel flagpoles, stair handrails, light boxes, billboards, bulletin boards, door covers, elevator door covers, security windows and moldings. In addition, our company is tailored to a variety of electronics companys supporting the clean environment producing stainless steel assembly line tables, work tables, chairs, wardrobes, shelves, shoe racks and bunk beds. 不锈钢成品有:不锈钢餐桌、不锈钢货架、文件柜;酒店、宾馆、商场用的不锈钢果皮桶,大理石烟灰盅,不锈钢装饰伸缩围杆,不锈钢卷闸门,电动伸缩门、隔离栏、置物架、商场和卖场用的各类销售用道具。 Our company’s finished products include stainless steel dinner tables, selves, file cabinets, stainless steel litter bins used by shopping malls and hotels, marble ashtrays, decorative stainless steel telescopic fences, rolling gates, electric retractable doors, racks and various sales props for shopping malls and stores. 南京和兴不锈钢装饰有限责任公司竭诚为您服务,欢迎新老客户前来洽谈。联系人:许良国,联系电话:86-025-52458119。 | |
经营模式 | 生产加工 |
主营产品 | 不锈钢板材; 不锈钢管材; 不锈钢装饰工程; 不锈钢制品; 不锈钢伸缩围杆; 不锈钢卷闸门; 楼梯扶手; 不锈钢护栏; 门头; 旗杆; 广告牌; 宣传栏; 报栏; 灯箱; 雨棚; 垃圾筒; 果皮箱; 大理石烟灰盅; 不锈钢拉手; 大理石拉手; |
公司名 | 南京和兴不锈钢装饰有限责任公司 |
主营行业 | 不锈钢材; |
是否提供加工定制 | 生产加工 |
注册资本 | 人民币50.00万 |
公司成立时间 | 2001 年 |
公司注册地 | 中国 江苏 南京 |
企业类型 | 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) |
法人 | 黄少芬 |
工商注册号 | 320114000010892 |
员工人数 | 11 - 50 人 |
研发部门人数 | 5 - 10 人 |
厂房面积 | 10000.00 平方米 |
年销售额 | 全国; |
主要客户 | 所有 |
月产量 | 5000.00台 |
sell123 URL | http://china.sell123.org/company_410461.htm |